Saturday, February 17, 2007

A Little Mess is OK!

A very common and useful method of essay organization is comparison and contrast. Anything can be compared or contrasted. When you make a comparison, you show how certain aspects of one item are similar to another item. When you contrast two things, you point out the differences between them. In other words, you point out how they are not alike. So, the elements of the comparison and contrast are similarities and differences. It is a very useful tool because all people do in every day situation. Neat People Vs Sloppy People by Suzanne Britt is an excellent example of comparison and contrast essay. She has arranged it in blocks. It means she discusses the point of sloppy people and then takes the point of neat people. You can infer the author is a sloppy person. She establishes sloppy people have extreme moral rectitude. And they have certain normal defect as a human being. So, it is normal a little mess. Little messes make up part of human being. Therefore, a net person never is a human. This is the idea you can get about the author's point of view.

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