Saturday, February 17, 2007


“With Woody Allen, a house is not a home” by Mia Farrow is an example of illustration and example, narration, and description essay. She does a fabulous description of her own landscape, so the reader can represent every thing there. It is a very sensitive description. Also, the author does an anecdote through a representative symbol that reflex evident problem in the relationship with Woody Allen. The shower represents their poor relationship. She uses a satiric technic in her essay. Therefore, the impressive, bigger, and new house that Woody Allen buys in the East Hampton represents something a trouble. “It was a big house,” she mentions in her essay. Something sarcastic and something humor is showed brilliantly in this magic picture. Their relationship had gone through the mysterious drain. In the same talking, she does a Woody Allen’s characterization as a special man, extremely neat, and complex person.

Reality about Environmental Pollution

A fable for Tomorrow” by an American biologist Rachel Carson is an excellent comparison and contrast essay structured by blocks. In the first block she describes an imaginary town in the past. All in that town was perfect and beauty. In the second block she contrasts that harmony town with an imagined tragedy about its possible environmental pollution. How pollution might affect so imaginary beauty town is the question she discusses. The essay is a warning of natural disaster that it may become a tremendous reality if people do not care our environment. Pollution has a negative impact on our planet. Environmental pollution is caused by pollutant emissions into the air by industries such as energy, nuclear, and chemistry industries. Oil pollution is one of the most harmful to ecology that cause to climate change. Climate changes put forests and water supply in risk, endangers plants and animals, and harm human health. Therefore, most people should pay attention to proclaim, through this good comparison, which has been done in this essay. Be careful what people do! It is the message set up.

Suitable System

Procrastination is important for everyone who pursuing a career because it afflicts most of them. In the essay “Procrastination” Dr. Joyce Brothers gives its definition. Then, she illustrates the consequences that procrastination may cause with an anecdote that contain implicit evidence. Also, she explains psychological and effective tools that can help people to prevent procrastination. She gives the following steps:
*Do a Reinforcement List or Procrastination List.
*Organize the list in order of the importance.
*Scheduling the task in order of the severity of the penalty.
*Set a goal.
Step by step she gives extraordinary examples with very good details. Also, she explains little tricks that people can use in order to obtain better result. I like the system that she has of the three “To Do” baskets because of her tendency to procrastinate. I think is a genial idea. She details what she does. It is amazing how these three baskets are a useful tool to obtain appropriate effectiveness. She explains that the first basket is for things for today. The second one is for after emergencies. And the third one is for everything else. She ends the essay with a subtitle “The Glorious sense of Accomplishment.” This part is an important advice that people should do. Reward yourself when something is done!

A Little Mess is OK!

A very common and useful method of essay organization is comparison and contrast. Anything can be compared or contrasted. When you make a comparison, you show how certain aspects of one item are similar to another item. When you contrast two things, you point out the differences between them. In other words, you point out how they are not alike. So, the elements of the comparison and contrast are similarities and differences. It is a very useful tool because all people do in every day situation. Neat People Vs Sloppy People by Suzanne Britt is an excellent example of comparison and contrast essay. She has arranged it in blocks. It means she discusses the point of sloppy people and then takes the point of neat people. You can infer the author is a sloppy person. She establishes sloppy people have extreme moral rectitude. And they have certain normal defect as a human being. So, it is normal a little mess. Little messes make up part of human being. Therefore, a net person never is a human. This is the idea you can get about the author's point of view.

Restorative Artist

In the essay “Embalming in the U.S.A.” J. Mitford explains the process what is done in order to prepare a body before it is held open house for a few days and then buried. In summary, the process is performed in several steps by the embalmer who the author refers to “restorative artist.” The author presents very good description of the following steps:

*Lay the body in the morgue or in the preparation room.
*Remove all the blood.
*Replaced the blood by the embalming fluid which is pumped through the arteries.
*The trocar is done.
*Restoration, the author classify this step in a way that the embalmer plays a roll of sculptor and cosmetician .

Step by step she explains every thing in great details. She develops a great process essay that the reader can become aware of surrounding embalming. And its execution involves steps that most people are unaware of this natural event, but it is probable that most reader would feel something uncomfortable due to it is extremely details. “A most extraordinary procedure” she refers to embalming. I really thing so!

Spectacular Turkey

Have you need to carve a great turkey? How to do that? Do you thing is it an easy task? Russell Baker provide instructions step-by- step in chronological arrange in his essay “Slice of Life.” He uses key words such as begin, thus, now, and repeat which indicate a process essay. One thing that you can detect immediately is his sarcastic tone when you read that the list for carving a turkey have to have bandage, sutures, and iodine. He continues in the same mood through it. Another observation about this essay is its unbelievable details that involve caring a turkey. Also, you may conclude this chore is not really easy; contrarily, it may be very muddle. In addition, the author shows a great deal skills concerning carve a turkey. Finally, he closes the essay with a sarcastic statement, but just appropriate “No one who cares about the artistry of carving can be expected to work upon the mutilations of amateurs, and it would be a betrayal of the carver’s art to do so.” Excellent details and incredible originality!